Post by Vasile Ionescu on Nov 2, 2012 3:40:46 GMT -5
° N-ame || Vasile Ionescu
° A-liases || Vasi, Io, The wandering Vampire
° A-ge || 19
° G-ender || Male
° F-amily || Mother and Father, both alive
° E-ye color || Blood red
° H-air color || Strawberry blond
° H-eight || 5’9
° W-eight || Around 153 lbs
° D-efining features || His unique eye color and sharp fangs
° A-dditional features || Vasile has a normal height and weight for a guy his age, but that’s as far as his normalities go. From the small, quirky hat sitting atop his head to his blood red eyes and sharp fangs, he’s anything but ordinary – and he wouldn’t have it any other way. He’s often seen wearing a long, heavy coat of some sort, often very decorated and laced with multiple hidden pockets. He changes his color theme and especially his hats very often, as he doesn’t like looking the exact same too many days a row. It’s boring.
His hair is strawberry blond and semi-long, more so from the back than from the front. His hair hides his right ear away from sight but leaves his left one in view, also exposing whatever earring Vasile’s decided to wear for the day.
° J-ob || Traveling Magician / Merchant / Storyteller
° R-eason for current profession || The short answer is it’s fun. The long answer is that he wants to see the world, starts feeling anxious if he spends too many months in one place, and wants to keep an aura of mystique surrounding him at all times; something that isn’t possible if every peasant in town knows him and his quirks inside out. He enjoys travel and thinks this is the best way to make use of the rumors surrounding him.
° D-istrict || North Residental District, though he basically only goes there to sleep and wanders around a lot.
° P-ersonality ||
To start off, in case you were wondering no, Vasile is not a vampire. Yes, he does have slightly elongated “fangs”, but those are something he was born with and nothing special. He definitely doesn’t drink blood either - though he’d very much want to make you believe he does. See, if there’s one thing Vasile just loves it’s to confuse, scare and creep people out both through his actions and words. Basically, he wants reactions and enjoys attention. He loves to talk and never gets tired of conversing, though you should know that discussions about any serious matters - especially in a serious tone - are like poison to him. Joking and treating everything as a joke is a sort of a coping mechanism for him, and he really doesn’t like to invest any real thoughts or emotions in his interactions. If he can’t joke his way out of an unpleasant discussion, he will grow very anxious and start to desperately try and change the topic, all subtlety be damned. He wants to have fun, not risk offending someone or worse, getting offended himself.
Due to Vasile’s tendency to keep things shallow for as long as he can, it’s often really difficult to get past the “acquaintances” stage with him, i.e, it’s difficult to really befriend him. See, even though he’s friendly to everyone he meets, he doesn’t really let people close. He only shows them his exterior, and so most of his relationships are shallow. It takes a considerable while of him knowing you until he opens up enough for you to see everything underneath his smirks, smiles and tricks.
What is he like underneath, then? Deeper than you might think. For starters, he’s a lot smarter and more knowledgeable about the world than you might believe. He has been through a lot and seen enough to make anyone a profound pessimist. Death, poverty, discrimination, he’s been through it all. One of the many misconceptions people have about him is that he’s so cheery and childish because he doesn’t understand how bad the world can be, but in truth it’s the complete opposite; he’s cheery precisely because he knows how shitty the world can be. He’s just realized that moaning and complaining about it won’t do anything to help anyone. Being pessimistic will just drag you down in the end, and it’s better to just smile than let things get to you. Yeah, people can be really bad and cruel, but that’s alright too; if you only know them on a shallow level like he does, and you treat everything as a joke, how can anything ever hurt you? Of course, that’s not the entire reason to his cheeriness, but it plays a part.
Vasile is a bit powerhungry, in the sense that he loves it when people obey him and things go the way he wants them to. He’s alright with surprise, but will get huffy if he can’t turn a surprising situation to his advantage fast enough. He likes to win and be in control of any situation he finds himself in. That’s part of the reason why he wants to spread fear; in addition to getting reactions and attention, people are easier to predict when they’re scared.
Still, like mentioned, Vasile is generally friendly and cheery to people, ideal company for a party or the like. Though you should take warning; he’s very eccentric and always does things his own way, so trying to make him follow any rules that he hasn’t made up himself is a very tedious task. He’s also brutally blunt and doesn’t really watch the things he says; he’s known to cause panic attacks and just general discomfort with some of the stories he tells. He can also come off as very rude and even scary at times, especially to the more formal or timid people. Anyone with a sense of humor and a strong stomach can probably find him good, fun company however.
You should also note that Vasile’s humor is dark, obscure and oftentimes scary, and despite popular belief, he’s well aware of it. People might think he doesn’t realize how scary his tales can be and that’s why he can continue telling them with such a cheery face, and way back in the past, that was exactly the case. He was often very confused as to why people grew pale over his horrifically real-sounding ghost stories, and only through spending more and more time with foreigners did he realize not all shared the same nerves he did. Nowadays, he just pretends to be oblivious; he believes telling his stories with an eerie smile just add to the overall effect… at least, most of the time. Sometimes he really is just that oblivious.
Another important thing to keep in mind is that Vasile is very protective of his own. Even though he might look like he’d be impossible to rile up, hurting or insulting his people is quick to send him over the edge. It might now show from his face, but trust me; after angering him you might want to sleep with one eye open. He’s sort of protective over his friends as well, to an extent; he doesn’t mind a bit of teasing, but if he sees his friends in discomfort (and if it isn’t caused by him, of course!) he will not look the other way. He’s also known to be a bit of a gentleman towards women every now and then, though his gestures are often very theatrical. For example, he doesn’t just open the door for someone, stand aside and allow them to enter; he slams the door open, bows and takes the girl’s hand to kiss it (and sometimes threaten to bite, if he’s in the mood). All in good fun.
Vasile also has some slightly sadistic tendencies every now and then, but they’re very minor and have mostly to do with him liking to scare people or showing affection; he can punch his friend playfully on the back a bit too hard on purpose, for example. Of course, he acts oblivious about this, too. He also has little understanding of personal space once you’ve become acquaintances with him; if he has something to say to you, why say it from afar when he can get in your face and make you hear better? In addition, he has the tendency to touch people when talking, whether it be friendly pats on the back, knocks on the head or grabbing of hands. Vasile is also somewhat of a romantic, and loves to read books on the subject as well as play the part of a mischievous cupid at times. Unfortunately for the people he’s pushing together, he likes sad endings in romance novels, and is often the one bringing a couple together… only to make them break up not long after.
Surprisingly enough, there are situations where you can actually find Vasile very quiet and even shy however. This is mostly if he’s forced in a situation with a lot of powerful people he’s unable to scare. See, those he can’t scare actually scare him. His nervousness can be seen as slight nervous stuttering and his jokes losing momentum. Some minor swinging of arms and talking with hands (more than usual, that is) can also be present.
° L-ikes ||
+ Myths, legends and folklore || He especially enjoys dark, morbid tales he can pass on to people on his travels. He’s always ready to learn about different mythologies, though admittedly, he also makes up a lot of the tales he shares. Most of them, actually.
+ Playing trick || Mischievous to the bone, he just loves playing tricks on people, be they sneaking up on them from behind, stealing their clothes when they’re showering, or just plain messing with their mind with his magic. He’s also known to pickpocket a lot.
+ Getting attention || Somewhat childish in that regard, Vasile likes getting reactions out of people, like mentioned multiple times. Fear and amusement are his favorites, and not being noticed is one of the biggest fears he has.
+ Change || Always on the lookout for something new, shiny and exciting, Vasile very much likes it when things are constantly moving, hence why he chose the job he holds today. He hates being bored and feeling like he’s at a standstill, be it figuratively or not.
+ Romance stories || Surprisingly enough, yes, he loves to read romance novels and particularly enjoys sad endings. He also writes some tales of his own, though his skills as an author are… questionable at best.
+ Cemeteries and other eerie, dark places || Though Vasile can’t exactly see ghosts or the like, he often says he can ‘feel’ something’s present. Whether this is just his own, wild imagination and desperate need to think there are supernatural creatures out there or actually a real talent, nobody knows. Either way, he enjoys dark places because they’re inspirational, and allow for relaxation far better than crowded inns or bars.
° D-islikes ||
- Yelling || While he has a rather loud voice and shouting is pretty common from where he’s from, he highly dislikes downright screaming and yelling. That’s always a sign that someone’s taking things a bit too seriously, which leads us to the next bullet point…
- Serious people/matters || Vasile likes it when things are easy and shallow. He doesn’t like it when they get serious and actually touch his heart or mind, or trigger memories he’d rather not want. Serious people are impossible to humor and get along with (unless, of course, he can tease them instead) and he’d rather keep away from them altogether.
- Extreme stereotyping || Yes, he’s learned to live with it, but it doesn’t mean he’s learned to like it. He’ll play a vampire for you all you want, but refrain from repeatedly calling him a thief; he will get back at you by stealing your belt and catching you with your pants down. In public.
- Rules / being told what to do || No. Vasile follows Vasile’s rules and nobody else’s. That’s that! A rather unfortunate way of thinking, it’s gotten him in trouble more than once.
- Nosiness || Asking questions is fine, but if someone starts demanding to know more than he’s ready to give out, Vasile is quick to try and change the subject and remember to keep his distance from the nosy idiot in the future.
° F-ears ||
~ Confined places || Suffering from a mild case of claustrophobia, Vasile can’t handle cramped places so no, he can’t sleep in a coffin. Not that it has… prevented him from trying just to entertain crowds, but it has never ended well. He also has a dislike for coaches and other such similar means of transport for this very same reason.
~ People being able to read him || Due to being rather wary of befriending people on a more than shallow level, Vasile hates the mere thought of someone being able to tell what he’s thinking or finding out his fears and insecurities.
~ People who aren’t afraid of him / are scarier than him || Like mentioned, the presence of strong-minded, adamant people makes Vasile nervous. He’s always managed to joke and scare his way out of any situation, so when neither of those things work, he gets anxious.
~ Going unnoticed / being ignored || There’s nothing as horrifying for Vasile than complete indifference after he’s told a joke or a ghost story. He lives off of people’s reactions and them thinking of him as a goofy oddball or a scary vampire; if they suddenly stopped he would lose a part of his identity.
~ Seriously injuring someone || Remember when up there in the Personality section it was mentioned that Vasile was slightly sadistic? Yeah, he’d very much like to keep that ‘slight’ part in. He’s fine with hurting people a tad for fun, but at the same time he worries going too far someday. He doesn’t want anyone seriously hurt because of him.
° G-oals ||
• To lead a fun life || Vasile’s most longterm and important goal is to just basically live his life while having fun.
• To gain a reputation || He doesn’t even care what the reputation is like. He loves it when people spread rumors of him being a vampire, but he also loves it when he gains fame as a renowned magician and storyteller. Really, he just wants people to know he exists.
• Get known in Granor || The most short term of Vasile’s goals. Though he has visited the city many a time before, it’s been a while since his last visit. He isn’t in any hurry to complete this goal though, and now that he’s back again he just wants to spend a while in there, get to know people, spread his name and just see what the city has to offer.
° H-istory ||
Vasile was born in a small, rural town far off in the East. The town he lived in had less than optimal living conditions, with poverty and death running amok. Nevertheless, the people stuck together and the community was very tight-knit; everyone helped out their neighbor. Vasile was an only child, but it was like everyone in the community was a brother or sister to him. He was a very upbeat, cheery child, though he wasn’t exactly the most hardworking boy out there.
Then one day when he was around seven years old, his family had gathered together enough money to move. They weren’t the only family ever who had gotten out of the poor little town, but they were one of the few, having worked hard and saved for years. So, they left behind their tight-knit community and set out into the cold word outside. They moved to a bigger city nearby, and set up a clothing store there to support themselves. At first, Vasile was very excited over the change of environment. Always one to up and wander around when given the chance, he loved seeing and experiencing new things.
He quickly learned, however, that despite all the good things this new city had, it was… not as friendly as where he came from. He was a somewhat shy kid, and it took him a lot to muster up the courage to walk up to other children to ask them to play with him. So, when the kids either ran away in fear and told him not to suck their blood or accused him of just wanting to steal their stuff, Vasile was devastated and very, very confused. It wasn’t but only later that he learned that his people had a lot of nasty stereotypes associated with people hailing from his hometown. They were poor, so of course they were thieves, and they lived in dark conditions and some of them had their teeth sharper than ‘normal’ people’s, so of course they were vampires.
At first, Vasile had no idea how to cope. All the namecalling and discrimination really got to him, and he couldn’t understand it. It was only gradually that he learned not only how to handle it, but… how to use it to his advance and, in a way, get revenge without really hurting anyone. See, slowly Vasile developed one of his biggest strengths; the ability to take any bad situation and turn it into a favorable one. Alright, so the others thought him a thief? Fine, in that case he’d give them what they wanted and steal their candy and toys, only to give them back later if they behaved. They thought he was a vampire? Okay, then as far as he was concerned, he was. He made up stories relating to that, and it turned out that most of the kids that had bullied him were now either too afraid of him to say anything, or actually interested in his tales. Of course, not all, but just having some people around to talk to was enough for Vasile. He didn’t consider the kids his ‘friends’, and he never let them close, but he had fun with them and that was enough. And, as Vasile found his methods effective, he started to develop a new outlook on life. He learned that as long as he didn’t let anything get to him and remained positive, everything would be fun no matter what.
Still, Vasile’s wanderlust had never vanished, and big as this city was compared to his hometown, it wasn’t enough. So when a wandering salesman happened upon the city, Vasile instantly took an interest in his lifestyle. He went to ask questions, and admired the feeling of freedom the guy must’ve felt. He loved listening to his stories too, and after the guy left to continue his travels, Vasile’s mind was set. He’d leave and wander around too.
So, when he turned sixteen he bid farewells to his family and set off to build a career for himself. He wasn’t… exactly sure what to call his new occupation (magician? Salesman? Storyteller?) but he didn’t really mind. The money was just a fun byproduct, the main reason he did what he did was for fun anyway.
° R-oleplay example ||
(I... apologize in advance if this part seems a bit rushed, I need to leave in a few hours and really wanted to get this done before I go ;;!)
Vasile jumped down from a pile of haystacks acting as a makeshift stage and bowed, readying his ears for the roaring applause that would surely follow. In a moment a few hands did indeed clap together, and there were excited shouts urging him to do another trick, but it wasn’t the reception he had hoped for. Oh well. His audience did consist only of little kids, after all.
Straightening his back and placing his hat back on his head, Vasile grinned at the little boys and girls gathered around the haystacks to listen to his stories and watch his magic tricks. Many of the adults in town didn’t particularly like the “Wandering Vampire” as they had dubbed him, and so they refused to come and properly watch his show. They did sit or stand a bit further away though, Vasile could feel their gazes digging into his skull. They wanted to keep an eye on him and make sure he didn’t eat their children or something.
Well, at least they had let their children come watch; many parents just led their young away from him whenever he came near. Not that he minded, it was fun being feared from time to time, but it was bad for business if he never got the chance to interact and perform, you know?
With the show over, Vasile started to pack his things. Everything he owned he carried around in both a backbag and a small stallcart pulled by a horse. He refused to travel around in a coach, and besides, he wanted to see the scenery properly when he travelled. Speaking of travels, his next stop was Granor itself, wasn’t it? He really looked forward to setting foot in the city again after so long. Had it changed while he was gone? Was there still some delicious unrest going on?
“Hey, mister Magician!”
Vasile snapped away from his thoughts at the voice, instantly turning and looking down at the three kids standing in front of him. The young traveler didn’t even have to lift his gaze to know that the three’s parents were watching, ready to beat him to death if he took a simple drop of blood from their young. Pfft, like he’d seriously ever do that. How disgusting would that be? Besides, as much as he loved to spread fear, he wasn’t one to scare away little kids. No, he actually liked the enthusiasm and openness most children displayed. They didn’t discriminate, they didn’t hate, and they weren’t instantly suspicious when the words “magic” and “supernatural” came to play. Well, usually, at least. Some kids could be damn cruel, but even then it was mostly the fault of the parents.
He was digressing in his own thoughts. Great.
“Yeah?” Vasile finally replied after having cleared his thoughts, his head tilted slightly and curiosity easily identifiable in his voice.
“I broke my favorite toy,” the boy standing closest to him said with a pout, holding up a small horse with only three legs; the fourth sitting alone in the boy’s other palm. “Can you fix it with your magic, mister?”
Vasile grinned, happy that the boys believed in his powers so.
“Well…” he began, pretending to be in thought. “I’m not so sure. I’m not supposed to use my magic for things like that, you know?”
What else was he supposed to say? He didn’t possess any magic power, and although he was very dexterous, he had never tried any woodwork before in his life. But admitting that would have been the death of him, so to say, so it was best to make his refusal sound all mysterious and admirable. Unfortunately, the boys didn’t seem to much care for the reasons; the second Vasile had finished answering, the boy holding the horse got teary eyed. Vasile almost jumped. Uh, oh, it wasn’t that important to him, was i-
“Aww, but…” the boy began, clearly holding back tears now. Great. “I thought…” He wiped his eyes on his dirty sleeve and turned, head hung low. “O-okay then, mister. Thanks anyway.”
Aww, geez.
“But!” Vasile quickly rushed to add before the boy could completely turn away from him. He didn’t want to see children cry. He did have a heart, after all. “But I could make an exception this time.”
The boy turned back, eyes shining with renewed hope. “Really?”
Yes, Vasile, really?
“Really!” The young man went to assure before he could stop himself. It wasn’t until he was actually handed the toy and the three boys settled down to watch him somehow fix it that Vasile realized he might have made a mistake. Now what was he to do? The boy would cry his eyes out when he realized he couldn’t just snap his fingers and fix the stupid leg. Ah, well, guess he had no choice but to try it the old fashioned way. How hard could it be?
“Alright, I'll fix it. Buuut, um, I really need to do that out of sight, because I can’t show you the magic I’m about to perform. You’d go mad! So don't try to follow me or peek, alright?” Vasile made sure to state that all as proudly and ominously as he could, and to his joy the boys instantly took a few steps back. Gullible, those kids. Lucky him.
With that Vasile skipped off behind a pile of hay and leaned his back against it, turning the toy around in his hand. Well. Better get to work.
It was some ten minutes later that Vasile emerged again, a proud smile hanging on his face. It had taken a considerable amount of blood, sweat and tears, but… But in the end he had managed to keep his promise. He never knew he was that good with his hands. Maybe he should become toymaker too? He could always use a few more titles to add to his name.
“Here you go!” Vasile announced as he pulled the horse from behind his back and held it out to the boy. “I took the liberty to revamp it a bit while I was at it!”
The boy’s eyes widened at the sight.
What used to be a handsome stallion was now a big mess of fangs, bat-like wings, spikes protruding out of its back, scales and dog-like heads, each sprouting sharp fangs and blood red eyes. It had ten tails with hooks at the end and a scythe like object sticking out of its head, but surely enough, it did have all four legs intact.
The boy blinked in horror, and Vasile kept on his sunniest, most excited smile.
For once, he actually hadn’t meant to shock. It just seemed like he’d be better off sticking with his current job for now, toy maker might not have been his thing after all.
At least, that’s he thought when the boy ran away in horror, and Vasile was left running away from the angry parents all the way to Granor.
° U-sername || How can this be the hardest part of this app howww. Uh. You can call me whatever you like. Vega or Buzz works if you can't think of anything else.
° A-ge || Over 18~
° T-ime zone || Eastern European Time (GMT +2)
°W-hat is the secret phrase from the Rules? || Parallel Hearts
° N-ame || Vasile Ionescu
° A-liases || Vasi, Io, The wandering Vampire
° A-ge || 19
° G-ender || Male
° F-amily || Mother and Father, both alive
° E-ye color || Blood red
° H-air color || Strawberry blond
° H-eight || 5’9
° W-eight || Around 153 lbs
° D-efining features || His unique eye color and sharp fangs
° A-dditional features || Vasile has a normal height and weight for a guy his age, but that’s as far as his normalities go. From the small, quirky hat sitting atop his head to his blood red eyes and sharp fangs, he’s anything but ordinary – and he wouldn’t have it any other way. He’s often seen wearing a long, heavy coat of some sort, often very decorated and laced with multiple hidden pockets. He changes his color theme and especially his hats very often, as he doesn’t like looking the exact same too many days a row. It’s boring.
His hair is strawberry blond and semi-long, more so from the back than from the front. His hair hides his right ear away from sight but leaves his left one in view, also exposing whatever earring Vasile’s decided to wear for the day.
° J-ob || Traveling Magician / Merchant / Storyteller
° R-eason for current profession || The short answer is it’s fun. The long answer is that he wants to see the world, starts feeling anxious if he spends too many months in one place, and wants to keep an aura of mystique surrounding him at all times; something that isn’t possible if every peasant in town knows him and his quirks inside out. He enjoys travel and thinks this is the best way to make use of the rumors surrounding him.
° D-istrict || North Residental District, though he basically only goes there to sleep and wanders around a lot.
° P-ersonality ||
To start off, in case you were wondering no, Vasile is not a vampire. Yes, he does have slightly elongated “fangs”, but those are something he was born with and nothing special. He definitely doesn’t drink blood either - though he’d very much want to make you believe he does. See, if there’s one thing Vasile just loves it’s to confuse, scare and creep people out both through his actions and words. Basically, he wants reactions and enjoys attention. He loves to talk and never gets tired of conversing, though you should know that discussions about any serious matters - especially in a serious tone - are like poison to him. Joking and treating everything as a joke is a sort of a coping mechanism for him, and he really doesn’t like to invest any real thoughts or emotions in his interactions. If he can’t joke his way out of an unpleasant discussion, he will grow very anxious and start to desperately try and change the topic, all subtlety be damned. He wants to have fun, not risk offending someone or worse, getting offended himself.
Due to Vasile’s tendency to keep things shallow for as long as he can, it’s often really difficult to get past the “acquaintances” stage with him, i.e, it’s difficult to really befriend him. See, even though he’s friendly to everyone he meets, he doesn’t really let people close. He only shows them his exterior, and so most of his relationships are shallow. It takes a considerable while of him knowing you until he opens up enough for you to see everything underneath his smirks, smiles and tricks.
What is he like underneath, then? Deeper than you might think. For starters, he’s a lot smarter and more knowledgeable about the world than you might believe. He has been through a lot and seen enough to make anyone a profound pessimist. Death, poverty, discrimination, he’s been through it all. One of the many misconceptions people have about him is that he’s so cheery and childish because he doesn’t understand how bad the world can be, but in truth it’s the complete opposite; he’s cheery precisely because he knows how shitty the world can be. He’s just realized that moaning and complaining about it won’t do anything to help anyone. Being pessimistic will just drag you down in the end, and it’s better to just smile than let things get to you. Yeah, people can be really bad and cruel, but that’s alright too; if you only know them on a shallow level like he does, and you treat everything as a joke, how can anything ever hurt you? Of course, that’s not the entire reason to his cheeriness, but it plays a part.
Vasile is a bit powerhungry, in the sense that he loves it when people obey him and things go the way he wants them to. He’s alright with surprise, but will get huffy if he can’t turn a surprising situation to his advantage fast enough. He likes to win and be in control of any situation he finds himself in. That’s part of the reason why he wants to spread fear; in addition to getting reactions and attention, people are easier to predict when they’re scared.
Still, like mentioned, Vasile is generally friendly and cheery to people, ideal company for a party or the like. Though you should take warning; he’s very eccentric and always does things his own way, so trying to make him follow any rules that he hasn’t made up himself is a very tedious task. He’s also brutally blunt and doesn’t really watch the things he says; he’s known to cause panic attacks and just general discomfort with some of the stories he tells. He can also come off as very rude and even scary at times, especially to the more formal or timid people. Anyone with a sense of humor and a strong stomach can probably find him good, fun company however.
You should also note that Vasile’s humor is dark, obscure and oftentimes scary, and despite popular belief, he’s well aware of it. People might think he doesn’t realize how scary his tales can be and that’s why he can continue telling them with such a cheery face, and way back in the past, that was exactly the case. He was often very confused as to why people grew pale over his horrifically real-sounding ghost stories, and only through spending more and more time with foreigners did he realize not all shared the same nerves he did. Nowadays, he just pretends to be oblivious; he believes telling his stories with an eerie smile just add to the overall effect… at least, most of the time. Sometimes he really is just that oblivious.
Another important thing to keep in mind is that Vasile is very protective of his own. Even though he might look like he’d be impossible to rile up, hurting or insulting his people is quick to send him over the edge. It might now show from his face, but trust me; after angering him you might want to sleep with one eye open. He’s sort of protective over his friends as well, to an extent; he doesn’t mind a bit of teasing, but if he sees his friends in discomfort (and if it isn’t caused by him, of course!) he will not look the other way. He’s also known to be a bit of a gentleman towards women every now and then, though his gestures are often very theatrical. For example, he doesn’t just open the door for someone, stand aside and allow them to enter; he slams the door open, bows and takes the girl’s hand to kiss it (and sometimes threaten to bite, if he’s in the mood). All in good fun.
Vasile also has some slightly sadistic tendencies every now and then, but they’re very minor and have mostly to do with him liking to scare people or showing affection; he can punch his friend playfully on the back a bit too hard on purpose, for example. Of course, he acts oblivious about this, too. He also has little understanding of personal space once you’ve become acquaintances with him; if he has something to say to you, why say it from afar when he can get in your face and make you hear better? In addition, he has the tendency to touch people when talking, whether it be friendly pats on the back, knocks on the head or grabbing of hands. Vasile is also somewhat of a romantic, and loves to read books on the subject as well as play the part of a mischievous cupid at times. Unfortunately for the people he’s pushing together, he likes sad endings in romance novels, and is often the one bringing a couple together… only to make them break up not long after.
Surprisingly enough, there are situations where you can actually find Vasile very quiet and even shy however. This is mostly if he’s forced in a situation with a lot of powerful people he’s unable to scare. See, those he can’t scare actually scare him. His nervousness can be seen as slight nervous stuttering and his jokes losing momentum. Some minor swinging of arms and talking with hands (more than usual, that is) can also be present.
° L-ikes ||
+ Myths, legends and folklore || He especially enjoys dark, morbid tales he can pass on to people on his travels. He’s always ready to learn about different mythologies, though admittedly, he also makes up a lot of the tales he shares. Most of them, actually.
+ Playing trick || Mischievous to the bone, he just loves playing tricks on people, be they sneaking up on them from behind, stealing their clothes when they’re showering, or just plain messing with their mind with his magic. He’s also known to pickpocket a lot.
+ Getting attention || Somewhat childish in that regard, Vasile likes getting reactions out of people, like mentioned multiple times. Fear and amusement are his favorites, and not being noticed is one of the biggest fears he has.
+ Change || Always on the lookout for something new, shiny and exciting, Vasile very much likes it when things are constantly moving, hence why he chose the job he holds today. He hates being bored and feeling like he’s at a standstill, be it figuratively or not.
+ Romance stories || Surprisingly enough, yes, he loves to read romance novels and particularly enjoys sad endings. He also writes some tales of his own, though his skills as an author are… questionable at best.
+ Cemeteries and other eerie, dark places || Though Vasile can’t exactly see ghosts or the like, he often says he can ‘feel’ something’s present. Whether this is just his own, wild imagination and desperate need to think there are supernatural creatures out there or actually a real talent, nobody knows. Either way, he enjoys dark places because they’re inspirational, and allow for relaxation far better than crowded inns or bars.
° D-islikes ||
- Yelling || While he has a rather loud voice and shouting is pretty common from where he’s from, he highly dislikes downright screaming and yelling. That’s always a sign that someone’s taking things a bit too seriously, which leads us to the next bullet point…
- Serious people/matters || Vasile likes it when things are easy and shallow. He doesn’t like it when they get serious and actually touch his heart or mind, or trigger memories he’d rather not want. Serious people are impossible to humor and get along with (unless, of course, he can tease them instead) and he’d rather keep away from them altogether.
- Extreme stereotyping || Yes, he’s learned to live with it, but it doesn’t mean he’s learned to like it. He’ll play a vampire for you all you want, but refrain from repeatedly calling him a thief; he will get back at you by stealing your belt and catching you with your pants down. In public.
- Rules / being told what to do || No. Vasile follows Vasile’s rules and nobody else’s. That’s that! A rather unfortunate way of thinking, it’s gotten him in trouble more than once.
- Nosiness || Asking questions is fine, but if someone starts demanding to know more than he’s ready to give out, Vasile is quick to try and change the subject and remember to keep his distance from the nosy idiot in the future.
° F-ears ||
~ Confined places || Suffering from a mild case of claustrophobia, Vasile can’t handle cramped places so no, he can’t sleep in a coffin. Not that it has… prevented him from trying just to entertain crowds, but it has never ended well. He also has a dislike for coaches and other such similar means of transport for this very same reason.
~ People being able to read him || Due to being rather wary of befriending people on a more than shallow level, Vasile hates the mere thought of someone being able to tell what he’s thinking or finding out his fears and insecurities.
~ People who aren’t afraid of him / are scarier than him || Like mentioned, the presence of strong-minded, adamant people makes Vasile nervous. He’s always managed to joke and scare his way out of any situation, so when neither of those things work, he gets anxious.
~ Going unnoticed / being ignored || There’s nothing as horrifying for Vasile than complete indifference after he’s told a joke or a ghost story. He lives off of people’s reactions and them thinking of him as a goofy oddball or a scary vampire; if they suddenly stopped he would lose a part of his identity.
~ Seriously injuring someone || Remember when up there in the Personality section it was mentioned that Vasile was slightly sadistic? Yeah, he’d very much like to keep that ‘slight’ part in. He’s fine with hurting people a tad for fun, but at the same time he worries going too far someday. He doesn’t want anyone seriously hurt because of him.
° G-oals ||
• To lead a fun life || Vasile’s most longterm and important goal is to just basically live his life while having fun.
• To gain a reputation || He doesn’t even care what the reputation is like. He loves it when people spread rumors of him being a vampire, but he also loves it when he gains fame as a renowned magician and storyteller. Really, he just wants people to know he exists.
• Get known in Granor || The most short term of Vasile’s goals. Though he has visited the city many a time before, it’s been a while since his last visit. He isn’t in any hurry to complete this goal though, and now that he’s back again he just wants to spend a while in there, get to know people, spread his name and just see what the city has to offer.
° H-istory ||
Vasile was born in a small, rural town far off in the East. The town he lived in had less than optimal living conditions, with poverty and death running amok. Nevertheless, the people stuck together and the community was very tight-knit; everyone helped out their neighbor. Vasile was an only child, but it was like everyone in the community was a brother or sister to him. He was a very upbeat, cheery child, though he wasn’t exactly the most hardworking boy out there.
Then one day when he was around seven years old, his family had gathered together enough money to move. They weren’t the only family ever who had gotten out of the poor little town, but they were one of the few, having worked hard and saved for years. So, they left behind their tight-knit community and set out into the cold word outside. They moved to a bigger city nearby, and set up a clothing store there to support themselves. At first, Vasile was very excited over the change of environment. Always one to up and wander around when given the chance, he loved seeing and experiencing new things.
He quickly learned, however, that despite all the good things this new city had, it was… not as friendly as where he came from. He was a somewhat shy kid, and it took him a lot to muster up the courage to walk up to other children to ask them to play with him. So, when the kids either ran away in fear and told him not to suck their blood or accused him of just wanting to steal their stuff, Vasile was devastated and very, very confused. It wasn’t but only later that he learned that his people had a lot of nasty stereotypes associated with people hailing from his hometown. They were poor, so of course they were thieves, and they lived in dark conditions and some of them had their teeth sharper than ‘normal’ people’s, so of course they were vampires.
At first, Vasile had no idea how to cope. All the namecalling and discrimination really got to him, and he couldn’t understand it. It was only gradually that he learned not only how to handle it, but… how to use it to his advance and, in a way, get revenge without really hurting anyone. See, slowly Vasile developed one of his biggest strengths; the ability to take any bad situation and turn it into a favorable one. Alright, so the others thought him a thief? Fine, in that case he’d give them what they wanted and steal their candy and toys, only to give them back later if they behaved. They thought he was a vampire? Okay, then as far as he was concerned, he was. He made up stories relating to that, and it turned out that most of the kids that had bullied him were now either too afraid of him to say anything, or actually interested in his tales. Of course, not all, but just having some people around to talk to was enough for Vasile. He didn’t consider the kids his ‘friends’, and he never let them close, but he had fun with them and that was enough. And, as Vasile found his methods effective, he started to develop a new outlook on life. He learned that as long as he didn’t let anything get to him and remained positive, everything would be fun no matter what.
Still, Vasile’s wanderlust had never vanished, and big as this city was compared to his hometown, it wasn’t enough. So when a wandering salesman happened upon the city, Vasile instantly took an interest in his lifestyle. He went to ask questions, and admired the feeling of freedom the guy must’ve felt. He loved listening to his stories too, and after the guy left to continue his travels, Vasile’s mind was set. He’d leave and wander around too.
So, when he turned sixteen he bid farewells to his family and set off to build a career for himself. He wasn’t… exactly sure what to call his new occupation (magician? Salesman? Storyteller?) but he didn’t really mind. The money was just a fun byproduct, the main reason he did what he did was for fun anyway.
° R-oleplay example ||
(I... apologize in advance if this part seems a bit rushed, I need to leave in a few hours and really wanted to get this done before I go ;;!)
Vasile jumped down from a pile of haystacks acting as a makeshift stage and bowed, readying his ears for the roaring applause that would surely follow. In a moment a few hands did indeed clap together, and there were excited shouts urging him to do another trick, but it wasn’t the reception he had hoped for. Oh well. His audience did consist only of little kids, after all.
Straightening his back and placing his hat back on his head, Vasile grinned at the little boys and girls gathered around the haystacks to listen to his stories and watch his magic tricks. Many of the adults in town didn’t particularly like the “Wandering Vampire” as they had dubbed him, and so they refused to come and properly watch his show. They did sit or stand a bit further away though, Vasile could feel their gazes digging into his skull. They wanted to keep an eye on him and make sure he didn’t eat their children or something.
Well, at least they had let their children come watch; many parents just led their young away from him whenever he came near. Not that he minded, it was fun being feared from time to time, but it was bad for business if he never got the chance to interact and perform, you know?
With the show over, Vasile started to pack his things. Everything he owned he carried around in both a backbag and a small stallcart pulled by a horse. He refused to travel around in a coach, and besides, he wanted to see the scenery properly when he travelled. Speaking of travels, his next stop was Granor itself, wasn’t it? He really looked forward to setting foot in the city again after so long. Had it changed while he was gone? Was there still some delicious unrest going on?
“Hey, mister Magician!”
Vasile snapped away from his thoughts at the voice, instantly turning and looking down at the three kids standing in front of him. The young traveler didn’t even have to lift his gaze to know that the three’s parents were watching, ready to beat him to death if he took a simple drop of blood from their young. Pfft, like he’d seriously ever do that. How disgusting would that be? Besides, as much as he loved to spread fear, he wasn’t one to scare away little kids. No, he actually liked the enthusiasm and openness most children displayed. They didn’t discriminate, they didn’t hate, and they weren’t instantly suspicious when the words “magic” and “supernatural” came to play. Well, usually, at least. Some kids could be damn cruel, but even then it was mostly the fault of the parents.
He was digressing in his own thoughts. Great.
“Yeah?” Vasile finally replied after having cleared his thoughts, his head tilted slightly and curiosity easily identifiable in his voice.
“I broke my favorite toy,” the boy standing closest to him said with a pout, holding up a small horse with only three legs; the fourth sitting alone in the boy’s other palm. “Can you fix it with your magic, mister?”
Vasile grinned, happy that the boys believed in his powers so.
“Well…” he began, pretending to be in thought. “I’m not so sure. I’m not supposed to use my magic for things like that, you know?”
What else was he supposed to say? He didn’t possess any magic power, and although he was very dexterous, he had never tried any woodwork before in his life. But admitting that would have been the death of him, so to say, so it was best to make his refusal sound all mysterious and admirable. Unfortunately, the boys didn’t seem to much care for the reasons; the second Vasile had finished answering, the boy holding the horse got teary eyed. Vasile almost jumped. Uh, oh, it wasn’t that important to him, was i-
“Aww, but…” the boy began, clearly holding back tears now. Great. “I thought…” He wiped his eyes on his dirty sleeve and turned, head hung low. “O-okay then, mister. Thanks anyway.”
Aww, geez.
“But!” Vasile quickly rushed to add before the boy could completely turn away from him. He didn’t want to see children cry. He did have a heart, after all. “But I could make an exception this time.”
The boy turned back, eyes shining with renewed hope. “Really?”
Yes, Vasile, really?
“Really!” The young man went to assure before he could stop himself. It wasn’t until he was actually handed the toy and the three boys settled down to watch him somehow fix it that Vasile realized he might have made a mistake. Now what was he to do? The boy would cry his eyes out when he realized he couldn’t just snap his fingers and fix the stupid leg. Ah, well, guess he had no choice but to try it the old fashioned way. How hard could it be?
“Alright, I'll fix it. Buuut, um, I really need to do that out of sight, because I can’t show you the magic I’m about to perform. You’d go mad! So don't try to follow me or peek, alright?” Vasile made sure to state that all as proudly and ominously as he could, and to his joy the boys instantly took a few steps back. Gullible, those kids. Lucky him.
With that Vasile skipped off behind a pile of hay and leaned his back against it, turning the toy around in his hand. Well. Better get to work.
It was some ten minutes later that Vasile emerged again, a proud smile hanging on his face. It had taken a considerable amount of blood, sweat and tears, but… But in the end he had managed to keep his promise. He never knew he was that good with his hands. Maybe he should become toymaker too? He could always use a few more titles to add to his name.
“Here you go!” Vasile announced as he pulled the horse from behind his back and held it out to the boy. “I took the liberty to revamp it a bit while I was at it!”
The boy’s eyes widened at the sight.
What used to be a handsome stallion was now a big mess of fangs, bat-like wings, spikes protruding out of its back, scales and dog-like heads, each sprouting sharp fangs and blood red eyes. It had ten tails with hooks at the end and a scythe like object sticking out of its head, but surely enough, it did have all four legs intact.
The boy blinked in horror, and Vasile kept on his sunniest, most excited smile.
For once, he actually hadn’t meant to shock. It just seemed like he’d be better off sticking with his current job for now, toy maker might not have been his thing after all.
At least, that’s he thought when the boy ran away in horror, and Vasile was left running away from the angry parents all the way to Granor.
° U-sername || How can this be the hardest part of this app howww. Uh. You can call me whatever you like. Vega or Buzz works if you can't think of anything else.
° A-ge || Over 18~
° T-ime zone || Eastern European Time (GMT +2)
°W-hat is the secret phrase from the Rules? || Parallel Hearts